I have been a photographer and creator for almost 20 years now and I’m just now starting to lean into that fact. I am sure I have said it before, but its very common knowledge that us creative types tend to be extremely hard on ourselves regarding our work and even though I continue to struggle with this, I also realize that if I can’t get out of my own way and accept the gifts I have and the work I have devoted to my craft, then no one else will see it either. This thought process is the reason I am here talking to you today.
This is my ugly mug
Let's start by saying I have recently owned the remarkable Canon R5 and owned the Fuji GFX 50s. Yes the original version in all its “dumps like a truck” large camera body. In short I also love shooting film and thats one of the reasons the GFX is incredible but thats a video in itself so if you’re interested in my thought process on using that camera in 2022, check out my review of the Mitakon 65mm for the GFX system where I talk more about it. I have owned countless cameras, some more than once and the thing I have come to realize is that it really doesn’t matter what camera or tool you use because it’s getting in your way. I see this happening for a couple of reason’s.
The first reason is G.A.S.- when we constantly wonder what the best camera available to have and convince ourselves that we must have the newest option with the latest and greatest features we start ignoring the cameras we have. Not to say we stop using them or using them well, but we absolutely stop trying to learn the tools we have to the fullest capacity. What I mean is the tool you have is all you need. I’ll come back to why this is after I mention the second reason that the box we use to make and create with is slowing you down and hindering you from creating the best work yet.
This reason is no matter how much we enjoy learning about the newest ( insert your camera brand here ) we to some degree disregard the option readily available to us and thats what we already have. The key word there is what we already have. It’s the camera sitting on the shelf, in the bag, or maybe its on your desk right now. It is capable. Heck the stuff from our phones are pretty impressive these days so why do we doubt that our cameras are less than them? Don’t get me wrong, there are some reasons and scenarios where our gear cant do a particular task but thats pretty infrequent. If you don’t believe me, spend a minute, 60 seconds, searching #analogphotography on Instagram one day. It is remarkable what people can do with the tools they have even when those tools are from the 70s or 80s.
That’s all I got for this one. Thanks for staying until now. I encourage you to pick up your camera, make something you are proud of and don’t settle for anything less!