What’s up everyone! Mixing it up today and digging into one of my favorite tools as a person who makes stuff daily. That isn’t always a video or a photograph, even though it mostly is. Sometimes its just making lists of To Dos or wish lists and I might put down other creative ideas.
This is why today I wanna touch on journaling, and putting thoughts to paper. I want to admit up front that I am not great at this but, its something I am working on. Some days are heavier than others, and on those days maybe I will jot down how I am feeling or whats going on in life, but mostly I pack the stuff away in my mind somewhere deep but instead I catch myself writing down anything else I can think of. I mostly use a journal or notebook for my daily To Dos. Having a place where my tasks can live, help me remember them but also gives me a quick reference when my memory takes a crap and I cant remember what I needed to do. This can be as simple as putting down that I need to do some laundry today, or take out the trash. These types of things rarely need reminders because I run into them physically when I am home for the day right but what about the others things? I write them down.
Taking notes like this, or journaling, isn’t a new practice for many people. Its therapeutic, its historic, and its just a nice tool to help organize all the thoughts in one place. There are many other videos about this but what I want to touch on is getting started. It can be hard if you are a guy especially, or just someone who doesn’t access your feeling and thoughts often. I am that guy. So for me the best way to get started was just making these To do lists. Daily. For me, getting into the habit of the act of writing down makes the next day easier, but it also makes writing easier because its not so foreign anymore. I know that there are other people out there like me so trust me when I say ,start small and with things you KNOW you can accomplish. The reward of checking those boxes off makes it much more enjoyable to attempt the process the next day, and then the next. As you get into a rhythm then write it all down. Whatever you want. There are NO rules here y’all. This is your notebook. This is your property, and this is your safe space. Share it with anyone you like but keep it close to your chest if that makes you feel better about being free to write for yourself. Peter Mckinnon talks about how he uses his notebook and I found it be be very inspiring so if you haven’t seen that then I will link it here. I tried to keep a notebook in my pocket daily to start but quickly, and I mean lighting fast remembered, I hate having shit in my pockets. I love knives but they better have a pocket clip or a belt clip. My phone goes in the back pocket and my keys stay magnetically out of the way and out of my pocket thanks to my Alpaca clip. I tried carrying my chest pack daily ( still try to ) and this helped because then I could add my Kindle to the bag and have my books readily available as well but lets face it. Im old and chest packs are probably for the younger man, and Im not small so I sweat, so this is also an issue. When I do carry my chest pack I still keep extra notebooks and pens just in case though.