Create When it hurts

Create when it hurts

This is Jeremy and I just wanted to write before the year ends, before the decade takes its final trip around the clock and remind you how amazing your work is. As creators it is very easy to get in these doubt filled corners of our mind while we try to please our clients, ourselves and all while trying to be true to our medium or art. That’s what art is though right? True expression of feelings, and ideas. Finding the way to make something that without you, never would exsist. Without your take on whatever the art is, it would simply still be a frame unexposed, a canvas left holding to itself in the cellophane wrapping, or the lyrics to a song that could influence someone else. 

Think about that for a minute. Who inspires you? Write it down. Now also write down why you are inspired by this. Now imagine how it has effected your life. You owe it to yourself and the world to share your experience as well. Make that thing that scares you to sleep loss. Make the thing that hurts because through pain is healing. You don’t have to share it with the masses but what if, just what if someone sees it and needs it? What if you become that light to someone else who is stumbling through their darkness. 

This may be the last blog entry of the year as many of you know my wonderful wife, Natasha was recently diagnosed with ovarian as well as uterine cancer. She has had 2 surgeries and begins chemo in a few weeks. She allowed myself and Wes to capture something very difficult, very personal, and very tender this week so that will have my attention over the holidays. I wrote this short insert because that’s what she did for me this week. Unknowingly , she inspired, she gave me courage, she reminded me how truly strong and wonderful she is. I hope any of my work has somehow inspired you this calendar year at least on some level. If I can say that happened, then 2019 was a success. I’m coming for 2020 and all the feels. Love each and everyone of you for the support and love. 
