I am writing this to hopefully shed some light onto who I am behind the camera but more importantly to break up the negativity surrounding us these days and times. The pandemic is in full force around us and I thought, I might write something different and distracting to those who take the time to read it. I don’t plan for this to be a look into my past, but more of who I am now, as an artist specifically. Let’s get to the bottom of it.
I should probably start with some basic information for anyone who hasn’t met me or doesn’t know me at all. Hi, Im Jeremy Gouge ( gooj ) and I live and grew up here in East Tennessee. I am a geek, and love technology and being a photographer/ cinematographer / creative lends well to me for that reason if nothing else. I have a Youtube problem but mostly because of my curiosity in all things related to creating. If I were to share my view history and subscription list, you may think “ is he interested in anything except his line of work?”
The short answer is of course I do but nothing is as interesting or consuming for me. I am constantly trying to learn new things. I love to read books actually. Not may people know that about me. Ill get into that a bit more below.
I don’t remember picking up the camera for the first time, and being overwhelmed with purpose, but I wish I had. I don’t even remember picking up a camera for the first time at all. I assume it was something my parents had while I grew up, and definitely only shot film but I cant recall any of those moments. I actually have a very hard time remembering a lot of things from my childhood, and even in general. This is one of the major reasons my photographs mean so much to me. They a are a reminder, a glimpse at a memory just beyond my mental reach. I hope I deliver that to my clients as well, but I am selfish in my work because it’s how I recall moments in time. Please don’t mis understand though, my need to create is even greater than my desire to remember. It is why I don’t see a time, when I am not documenting my world. I didn’t do it enough younger in life and now at 40, well just expect a camera to be on or with me at all times. I have used this time quarantined at home to reflect and to also try and document this time differently as well.
I am a husband to my lovely wife, Natasha and we have been married for 10 years this year ( if we don’t murder each other before August LOL ). We have 3 boys, Austin, Jaryn, and Atlas. We also have 2 pups as of writing this, Cinder and Bean. We are collectively competitive and that’s fun, and we love all things outdoors. From hiking, to camping, off roading, hunting for the boys, fishing, etc. We also love to travel ( dang it Corona ) and look very much toward our upcoming adventures whatever they are. We attend North Ridge Community Church here in Johnson City, and I also volunteer there to capture services, make videos, and help run social media.
Ok lets talk about books. I think reading is a wonderful pastime, and one I never had interest in until I was in my 20s. I have since discovered a passion for books and those fall into 3 categories generally speaking.
1) Faith
2) Photography- you don’t say
3) Phycological Crime Fiction- the crazier the better :)
2 of the 3 books in the series.. your welcome
I am currently devouring a series by J.D. Barker and cant put it down. The characters are relatable, the plots are brilliant and this last book in the 4MK ( 4 Monkey Killer- Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak no evil, Do no evil ) and it may be one of my favorite books ever. I love all things written by John Connolly and Chelsea Cain as well.
Did you know I love poetry? Yep that’s me. Throat Tattoo and all. I love all things Edgar Allen Poe, and my all time favorite poet is Iain S Thomas. I actually envision a body of work of mine, based off of the words in his work. Coming soon… dun dun dun
I mean, did you read that? WOW
Ok, enough rambling from me. If you read my blogs or follow me on Twitter or Instagram, you probably already know a lot about me and my likes. ( Coffee, guns, knives, film, tattoos, vans, Defender 110s- Lord Help me) but what do you want to know more of? I would love to connect with you and answer your questions. About anything. So if you wanna know me better, ask away. Lets use this time to be productive and grow.
A shot of our packs from our last family hike.
The family in Cozumel, Mexico- That Chaco life though