Life is funny sometimes. You meet people, never knowing that not only are you making friendships, but you are creating opportunities to work with those awesome people down the road. That is exactly what happened. Kristi and I met when we worked at the same job, probably 18 years ago. Fast forward to now, and we have worked in the same store again, but this time at different times, but when she and Brynnan decided that a wedding was in the future, she messaged me on Instagram asking how I worked. Clearly if you are here you know that the images today are from an amazing afternoon in Knoxville, Tennessee where they live now.
Would you guess, they also love the outdoors, and kayaking! Win Win Meads Quarry!
We had tried planning a shoot for them for months off and on but planning anything this year has been, well you know how it’s been. 2020 has been trying at best. So after several attempts we decide that Knoxville is a go, now we have to figure out where in Knoxville. They are relatively new to town and I have only shot here a few times but those locations are not what we need today. No we need nature, wonder, and I think we found it. Clearly these two found this same wonder in one another, and that’s why this coming weekend is going to be so amazing as they say “ I Do”. So what do you do? No idea where to plan this shoot, well you do what any normal, fairly intelligent person does-Hey Google!
Some options came up but those are the basic, tourist attraction options that any basic search will provide so deeper I scoured. Long story short here, we decided to explore somewhere new to us all. Somewhere truly unique. We chose to meet up at Meads Quarry, in Knoxville. I had never heard of this place prior and was truly excited to visit, especially with them. So me being me, I got there a little early and well lots and lots of Chaco blisters , 20,000 steps according to my watch and one amazing day later we had their engagement session captured. I am a little biased but man, these are intense. New locations, with people I have never worked with before sure did equal something special.
As of officially putting these words to type, I have already delivered this full gallery to them. I usually like to write here first, as a sneak peak for them as well as anyone reading but the words wouldn’t come this time. That happens. I am far from being a good writer, though I love the challenge and the therapy of bringing these feelings and stories to life but sometimes we can’t force the work. We can’t force the song to be written, the words to develop in rhythm, or maybe you can’t express those feelings you feel right away, and i’m here to tell you- THATS OK.
Never feel like you have to rush your work, your art, your passion. I hope in my waiting that this short tale, has meaning, has character, and had your attention. Until next time.